Friday, September 10, 2010

Dear VH1...

First off, let me extend my congratulations for getting one out of your "100 Greatest Artist of All Time" countdown correct. Michael Jackson is not better than The Beatles and I'm tickled pink that you were finally able to realize this. Secondly, I do understand the fact that this isn't "VH1's" list per se, it was voted on by artists in the industry today but you take some responsibility for airing what has come to be known in my household as "The WORST Countdown List Ever."

You continually fail to recognize that there was, in fact, music created BEFORE 1962. Could it be because the "musicians" you pick to cast their vote weren't even alive to judge those artists? Being only 24 myself, that is a bold statement I know. I, unlike the people who voted, seem realize and respect a thing called history. I know that without certain artists of the past we wouldn't have artists of the future. Or is it possible that the people that did happen to live through those eras have horrible tastes in music? I really think you should take more consideration when it comes to the people you A-ask to vote and B-choose to interview. I have a really difficult time hearing Hanson tell me how great The Doors are or Sisco telling me how much he loves Guns 'n' Roses and to be brutally frank, I don't care what Mandy Moore's top 5 is. Also, I don't know who Chris Daughtry is but the fact that his number one artist OF ALL TIME is Live, beating Led Zepplin and Black Sabbath, honestly makes me want to vomit. Did you air that as a joke? Because it wasn't funny.

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of a definitive list of the greatest artists ever that doesn't include Frank Sinatra, Billie Holiday (even though you included Aretha Franklin) or Jerry Lee Lewis (even though Little Richard and Chuck Berry made the list.) Frankly, I was really surprised but still overjoyed that you included Elvis on this list. I was also surprised (and disappointed) that he wasn't in the top five. It seems to me that you don't take into consideration that without Elvis, many of the bands on the list along with those you interviewed probably wouldn't even exist; including number one. There were a multitude of artists that could have been sacrificed in order to place these well-deserving artists. On the chopping block: Hall and Oats (seriously?) Biggie Smalls, The Police, ABBA (you're fucking kidding right?) and The Velvet Underground (They've got a few good songs but in no way are they better than Johnny Cash.)

Did you even bother to look over the list before you decided to air it? Maybe whip up a "final draft" if you will? I wonder that because I can't imagine what person in their right mind would honestly put Nirvana AFTER Pink Floyd. Do you really believe that Nirvana is better? Think about that statement...Nirvana is better than Pink Floyd. Pretty ridiculous, huh. Your countdown was chock-full of ridiculous statements it seems. Some of the gems were: The Clash is better than AC/DC, Aretha Franklin AND Johnny Cash. Sade is better than Whitney Houston. ABBA is better than Pearl Jam (and you can ask anyone, I Fucking HATE Pearl Jam but I can respect them.)

Of course, this is all just my opinion but I have a pretty good feeling that 85% of people will agree with me.

Oh and before I close, let the people you interview be honest, for once! I know not everyone likes Van Morrison or Beyonce. I'm sorry but I can't believe Michelle Williams when she says she's a massive Judas Priest fan. Here's a line you could toss to a few folks: "You know, I'm not a huge fan of (insert artist here) but I respect them." Easy. as. pie.

I have lost all faith in VH1...what little there was to begin with.

Yours in outrage,
Ruthie Holiday

Here is a link to the entire list. I suggest checking out the comments too. They're pretty interesting.

P.S. Here is my personal list of artists that were not on this countdown. In no particular order...
Dwight Yoakam
Frank Sinatra
Billie Holiday
Lena Horne
Jerry Lee Lewis
Garth Brooks
Sam Cooke
Robert Johnson
Hank Williams
Louis Armstrong
Muddy Waters
Howlin' Wolf
Etta James
The Everly Brothers
Buddy Holly
Diana Ross
And a few more I'm sure that haven't popped into my head.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Greaserama 2010

Sooo, Greaserama 2010 was a big success I do believe.

It was my first one and I was terribly impressed with just about everything-minus the few things I heard from others about the bathrooms or lack thereof and the drink prices (for those of us that weren't aware we could bring our own!) Oh, and this will be a photo-lacking post for the most part because alas, my camera is dead. :( It jumped from the overhead shelf in my work cubicle and busted the lens. Thankfully, it is still under warranty and was already sent off to be fixed!

Being that I'm the kind of person that rarely passes on an opportunity to get all gussied up, I donned my perfect black pencil skirt from Mode Merr, my black and white stripped top from the thrift store and my favorite pair of shoes, the black patent 4.5 inch heels by Miss Jessica Simpson. Despite the face that it's Jessica Simpson, you really should check out her shoes, she has some super cute items.

Here's a portion of the outfit while Miss Soraya is doing Louise LeMans hair!

I wore my favorite shoes, unaware that 85% of Greaserama would be loose gravel. Not only was it loose gravel but it wasn't the normal teeny tiny gravel, no...this was giant, boulder-style gravel that was almost impossible to walk in. Although I ALMOST fell a handful of times, I never actually made contact with the ground. All in all, a success.

My hubby and I were fortunate enough to be able to hang out at the Giangreco Photography/Pin-Up Stylings by Soraya tent most of the day which really cut down on aimlessly walking around and being in the sun (which we all know is a No-No for me.)

There were greeting cards for sale, along with Steve's hot rod prints aaannndddd...(drumroll please) The Gears and Gals 2011 Calendar! Featuring lovely local hot rods and equally stunning Kansas City ladies! Head on over and pick up your copy!

We wandered down to the Retro Vixen tent, which had some amazing new purses from Lux DeVille and I picked up a pretty pink fabric parasol! Next to her was the Monkey Wrench Clothing tent, which I intend to bug her about a custom made corset here before too long.
Most of the day was spent hanging around the tent, talking to random folk and taking pictures. Soraya did hair of a little girl for her 10th birthday, it was so amazingly cute. Then the girl asked to have her picture taken with both Louise and I. She was adorable.

There were a mass of gorgeous cars this year. I overheard someone say that there were over 900 cars this year, not too shabby I'd say. We will definitely go back next year, but we will have a cooler and our own grill this time! You can head over to Louise's blog to see more photos of those cars.

I've got a shoot this weekend with Giangreco. I'm working out the details of a shoot with Angela Bond Photography sometime this month and I have shoot in November with JBPhotography. Along with a few other events peppered in between, it's going to be a busy few months coming up!


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